Colwyn Bay
Colwyn Bay Lodge
Wendy Harris -Telephone: 07932 907039
Eric McGough -Telephone: 07708 469854
Email: Autumnowl@gmail.com (Lodge Secretary)
Physical Meetings 2024
Virtual Study Group
The First Wednesday of the Month commencing 7pm
The Sessions will be led by Dee Harris
Virtual Lodge Meetings
December 5th - 7pm
Crichton E M Miller FCILT
FSA Scot was born in Glasgow, Scotland, 1949.
He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries Scotland .
For his contribution to forgotten history, he was invested as a Knight in the Order of the Fleur de Lys first formed in 1439AD and In the Order of St James De Altopascio formed in1069AD.
Crichton patented the wheel cross in 2002 as a Bronze Age surveying,
astronomical and navigation instrument to keep time and calendar over five thousand years ago using astrology that eventually became astronomy.
His talk will explain all his research that led him to his conclusions about the cross.
Further details can be found on our Facebook page Theosophy – Colwyn Bay
or email Autumnowl@gmail.com
New and Full Moon Meditations
On the New and Full moons at 7pm led by Barbara Occleshaw
Parkway Community Centre
Rhos Rd
LL28 4SD
Physical meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the afternoon room opens 1.30pm till 4.15
Talks by visiting speakers
Zoom meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month from 7pm